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Report On Deceased Donor Organ Transplantation Program in Kerala - 2013


Deceased Organ Donation & Transplantation in 2013

Total Number of Donors 36
Single Kidney56
Kidney En-Bloc 2
Total Kidneys60
Total Liver24
Total Heart 6
Total Number of Solid Organs90

Deceased Donation – by Monthwise

Sl.NoMonth NameNorth ZoneSouth ZoneCentral ZoneTotal Donors
1 January 0 1 1 2
2 April 0 1 0 1
3 May 0 1 1 2
4 June 0 0 4 4
5 July 0 2 0 2
6 August 3 0 1 4
7 September 0 0 8 8
8 October 2 1 2 5
9 November 0 0 3 3
10 December 1 2 2 5

Deceased Donation by Gender in - 2013

Donors GenderTotal
Male 26

Deceased Donation by Case of Death in 2013

Donors Cause of DeathCount
Road Traffic Accidents18

Organs Donated – Zonewise

Sl.NoZone NameKidneyLiverHeart
1 Central Zone 35 16 6
2 North Zone 12 2 0
3 South Zone 13 6 0